Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Liver Bloodcount Normal

Today the transplant team made it's rounds, gave the O.K. to unhook basically everything except an I.V. to his neck, he gets his vitamins & a supplement through those. They call it Mountain Dew & Sour Cream. So Mom can hold him real easy, feed him, & burp him (way important) & change those diapers w/out all sorts if cords & lines in the way. His billyrubin count is 0.1-0 which is NORMAL.

Dad had a little episode w/ the boy last night, Mom feed him then left to get supper w/ the gals after he feel asleep. He woke up w/ a burp stuck sideways, Daddy couldn't sit him up or burp him by himself w/ all the stuff hooked to him, the nurse helped at first & it looked like we were over the hump, then she had to go down the hall to help w/ a little crisis in another room, (we have lots of those here) & another burp got stuck sideways & it was a big one, tears were flowing. Basically Dad freaked out & called Mom on the cell phone to tell her to hurry up. Me & Reid will have to bond today, I'll put in a UFC video & prop him up for some testosterone to get flowing in that room. That ought to help. Get him burping & tooting like a man (joke).

So things are getting back to normal, getting ready for some post transplant care learning to come soon. Take care, thanks for the prayers everyone & pray for sanity for us.

Love Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are to praise our Lord in everything, PRAISE GOD for poopy diapers!! (did ya ever think that would have been something to praise about?)
By the way Reid and Grandpa Roy were on T.V. tonite. Grandpa looked worse than Reid, and Reid just got out of surgery!!! ha ha. Grandpa was probably a little more nervous than Reid, with all the attention. Reid handled it pretty well, looking all sweet and sleepy.
Reid's a natural for the movies, Grandpa better stick to raising dogs.
Your in our prayers . Be blessed!