Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back In The Hospital

Hi Everybody -

Well, I am back in the Children's Hospital. I checked in at about 4:00 PM this evening. After my doctor's appointment earlier today, the medical people decided that I wasn't gaining weight. Mom says I've lost a few ounces. So, they want to hook me up to an IV for some additional nutrition. I guess that is okay. I'm not too fond of the pokes, but at least I have good veins. They only have to poke me once to get the job done. :-)

I've been feeding okay. Some meals better than others. I just haven't been as hungry for some feedings as for others. I've been sleeping better, too. My tummy is getting back to normal, as the swelling is going down. So, besides from not gaining weight, I'm doing GREAT.

We'll know more tomorrow, so come back to the blog for updates. Please keep us in your prayers.

- Reid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good you were close to the hospital and you can get there for check ups. I'm sure he's adjusting and all babies have light eating times and then, they eat like crasy before growth spurts. You're in our prayers and we missed hearing from the blog updates so it's good to see it again. R&G in Iowa