Thursday, January 11, 2007

Coming Home Soon

The Doc's think Reid is awesome, saw him having a wonderful evening last night. Up talking, squeaking, chuckling, you never tell he went through all he has. So his blood test are good, numbers keep getting closer to normal. Also he is feeding better, burping better, is definitely a pooh'n machine. Has lots of little jobs, needs to save up for bigger jobs so mommy don't feel like the pit stop queen at NASCAR. They unhooked the last of the stuff today, still got an I.V. in the neck for blood draws, will lose that when we leave.

When we leaving, well could be Friday or Saturday! I think he setting records on recovery here! Tami & the boy will be staying in Seattle doing follow up visits for a few weeks. Dad will probably come visit in the weekends. I hope the hospital feels the pride of their teams accomplishment as much as we feel indebted to them for all their hard work & care.

Dad & Mom & Reid


Anonymous said...

WooHoo! It will be so good for everyone to get out of there and feel normal again. We are looking forward to spending some quality time with the squeaker (Aunt Shawnie's nickname for Reid) and Mom and Dad too:)

Love to all!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dave
When I received your Christmas letter (on jan 10) i was so happy to hear that you had a son and then extremely upset to hear that he was so sick. That night I prayed like I never prayed before, and now there is such great and miraculous news. He's a special child; i could see that in the pictures (so happy, even when he was sick). our prayers are with you and your family. Annette & Tom Leverington

Anonymous said...

Hooray on the wonderful recovery so far!!
The article in the Interlake today (Jan 12th ) is very good! :D They used the pic of Tami bending over Reid after surgery, but it's not in the online article. :(
Here's the url :

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Much love in Him,
Angela, Derrick and boys

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Thanks for doing the blogging thing . . . it's so nice to be up to date on everything happening over there with you. I'm even more in awe of the miracle of life . . . and God's awesomeness ; ) It was cool to see Reid on the national news as I was working out at the gym the other day. Can't wait to see him more and watch him enjoy life as a healthy little boy.

Love from ABOVE,
Catie and Tony and the rugrats

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to know that your lovely baby is doing so well after his transplant. Best Wishes to you, little Reid! My brother was an organ donor (from Kalispell) 2 years ago and provided life changing donations to 35 people. I don't want to get on a soap box but I am hoping that once things calm down for you all that you will remember Reid's donor family, and possibly write to them about your miracle pregnancy and miracle baby. I know this would help them a lot with their loss. Take care