Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Emergency Flight Back To Seattle

We are back in Seattle again! Tami, Grandma & Reid flew in Tuesday night after Reid started throwing up some waste from a bowel obstruction. We thought he was fighting a flu bug, puking allot for couple days. He got a fever & we took him into the hospital, there he started to throw up the dark stuff. We knew this was bad because he had been on fluids only for two days.

So we are awaiting surgery late Wednesday night at children's hospital. They will remove the obstructions & any scar tissue that my be causing problems from his liver transplant. Allot of things could have contributed to the blocked bowels. The colon has all sorts of bacterias, some of the bad ones that usually stay in the colon are in his system. This can happen to patients on immune suppressants as Reid is. So They are going to fix him up. Dr. Horselin, who did the transplant will be performing or heading up the team. Cool! Pray for good results, They gave us worse case scenarios, but his track record has put all those to shame so far. He is still the Super Trooper Reid, & God is still Good! I think we will put Mom out during surgery, she has had no sleep for days, pray for her also.

Sorry to update the blog w/ troubling news. But these things in life make us stronger. Thank God for Seattle Children's Hospital & A.L.E.R.T. for getting us here quick. Will let everyone know how it all works out for the good to those who love the Lord! We know He wants to help everyone, not just us!


Anonymous said...

We love you guys and are praying for all of you. God is in control even when we feel out of control. Reid was lifted up in prayer at our Wednesday night fellowship and we are all believing God's promises for Reid. Give Reid hugs and kisses from us all and give Tami a great big hug from all of us too!

Anonymous said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers always, will be praying twice as much during this time. Praise God that we serve a Father who has it all in control and we can trust and rest in him. Believing with you!