Monday, November 19, 2007

Drinking, Hoping to be Eating Soon

Reid has a lot of personality today. Lots of giggles & smiles & talking & singing. Woke up a couple time startled, not knowing were is was, or bad dreams (or gas). He threw up some of the juice he has been drinking today, nurses say that's common w/ intestinal surgeries after the patient start to eat & drink after the bowels being inactive for so long. Him & Mom got a bed in the room so they can watch movies together & snuggle.

Grandma is hoping he will be eating tomorrow, so he can have some more poop! So be praying for a healthy appetite. We go plenty of diapers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never have I cried tears of joy over a poopy diaper until I read about that fantastic one from Reid. Keep it up Reid, we want you all home soon!