Friday, November 16, 2007

A Normal Day at Children's Hospital

Well, everyone is caught up on sleep, & Reid is resting more comfortably now. So we should have a normal day here at Children's Hospital in Seattle. He is off getting a lot of his I.V. removed from surgery. Already his little stomach tube that goes down his throat is starting to clear up. This is good, cause it's an indicator that all the icky stuff is flowing the right direction. The blockages from the scar tissue have probably been hindering things for a while the doc's say, including blood flow to the bowels. I'm hoping this may be the related troubles to a lot of his very picky diet. We have had trouble feeding him a lot of common foods. So again my hope is some foods that were a problem, may be O.K. I pray.

Moms so glad a lot of the lines are being removed, for when Reid starts waking up & starts to get his strength back, if he's half normal, he will be bouncing off the walls! Wait till he starts his "hey" when Daddy comes in the room. He yells "hey", Daddy answers back, "hey you mister" & it continues back & forth till he's at the top of his lungs or Mommy breaks it up. Mom says duck tape may have to used to hold him down (joke).

It's defiantly not winter here in Seattle, yesterday a group of people in the lounge were all watching a big rain storm blow in. I found this funny, this is exactly what Seattle does in the fall & winter, Rain, Rain, Rain! I was listing to the road report on my way in Wed morning during the 8 o'clock rush, they had their first frost. Cars were spinning out everywhere on the freeways & traffic was backed up for miles as they cleared the wreckage's. Shawnee says after living in Seattle for years, being from Montana, she calls it becoming a "west coast weeny". I think that's why there is no real freeways in Montana like here in Seattle, San Fransisco, Phoenix and such, the weather would only let them be open 6 months a year!

Well enough of the traffic report, we will hopefully get Tami out of the room while Reid is sedated from the tube change, to go eat breakfast. Here she is w/ Grandma & coffee, gotta go!

Came back from getting laundry detergent downtown & buying him some cute children books & the little guy is laying back watching a movie. Mom said he already watched the veggie tales "Little Joe" & was working on "Jonah". Incredible! He's still a little "out-of-it" from the pain med's, & puffy looking from all the fluids they give him. But it so cool. Go Super Trooper Reid!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys...sorry to be so out of touch. No excuses except that life keeps getting in the way. Sorry to hear that Reid has had to endure another surgery but ECSTATIC to hear that our Father continues to be faithful to care for the Super Trooper! I'll keep checking in on the blog...please keep us informed of Reid's progress. Know that you are always in my prayers!! Love to you all, Kathi

Anonymous said...

Micelle emailed to start checking the blog--so glad everything fell in place and he got the help he needed. Blessings are in different forms at times. Gordy and I are thinking and praying for you all. IA gang.