Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankgiving Day

Reid ate a big normal breakfast of oatmeal & pears this morning & drinking watered down ginger ale. Went for a ride in a little red car stroller around the halls, daddy made him dizzy going in circles & ran over the Doc's foot. Crazy driver!

The nutritionist are going to do what they can to get his calorie count up, so to make sure he don't have to be sent home w/ a feeder tube. This might mean a Saturday morning discharge. Oh well, they know best, (grandma could argue that one). Ha Ha! So our little Reid'ster got to be a little piggy with the meals, hey what's thanksgiving all about! So when your shoveling down all the good stuff, be praying for the little guy to pack it away also! The Doc's also told us that we could be lowering his immune suppressant med's in the future to. And w/ his liver functions being "perfect" the possibility of no med's could be possible. Sounds cool to us. So Happy Turkey Day & see ya all soon!


Anonymous said...

Eating is in the Hunter blood, Grandma Ginger will be proud. We had a good day in Iowa and sounds good their also. Smiles. G& R

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