Thursday, February 15, 2007
Montana, here we come! I'm goin' home!!
Oh, I can't wait! The doctors said we get to go home! I am so excited. Papa and Daddy are leaving Montana really early in the morning tomorrow and they are driving straight here. Then on Saturday, we will all start the drive home. We'll drive about 1/2 way and stay the night, arriving home on Sunday.
I'm still gaining weight. I'm now at 13 lb 11 oz. However, I still have to have the feeding tube. But Mommy says I won't have to have it for very long.
We look forward to seeing everybody REAL soon. Pray we have a safe trip home.
- Reid
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
New Photos & Cool Updates

Hey, be sure and take a few minutes to look over the NEW pictures we've posted on this blog site. Can you see how much I've grown?? I've got hair, too!! We've also added some neat pictures to this post, showing you some of the cool sights.

As for the details you have all been waiting for, I am proud to say that last week I weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds and 8 ounces!! Is that cool or what? I'm still using the feeding tube and getting pretty comfortable with it. Mommy says that she only suppliments about 100 ml per day, which equals about 3 1/2 ounces per day. I have to take medicine every day, too. Mommy says that she is able to put some of the meds down the feeding tube, as well, which is totally fine by me. :-)
I'm currently wearing 3-6 month old clothes. Actually, I think I'll out grow these soon. Right now, I'm in a 6 month old size shirt and 3 month old size pants. Mommy's having to start looking around for some 6-9 month old sizes. Isn't that SO cool. :-)
As for my busy schedule, I go to the lab two times a week ... Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I also go for doctor's visits on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We are hoping that at this Thursday, the doctors will be so impressed with my rapid healing and growing, that they will send us HOME. So, we are making some preparations. Assuming all goes well, Grandpa and Dad will drive up on Friday and then we'll all head for Montana on Saturday. Be sure to visit the blog over the next few days as we keep you updated.
Oh, and for all of you sentimental types, I am now rolling over. It's kinda fun. Also, my legs are getting stronger. When Mommy holds me up, I can stand. I also like to sit up quite a bit. It's a fun new adventure. I guess it interfers with my medical exams, but who wants to be on their back when they have the power to sit up!!! Mommy says I'm giggling a lot more, too. There is SO much to be happy about.