Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Super Trooper Diet
We are home & doing good, but his allergies are difficult to deal with. So Tami & I are going to ask our wonderful blogger family for help w/ any recipes or favorite foods w/ out these ingredients. Milk, egg, soy, wheat, corn, rice, oats, peanut, flax seed. The main hitters. The immune suppression could be causing allot of this (we thinks), but these could taper off as we lower the doses. So pray for his little body to accept things as he grows. Thanks!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Back Home
We are back home. We left Seattle during rush hour & drove straight threw to Montana & got home around 3:30 am. Once we started driving, we only stopped to feed & change the boy & let him stretch. Hes doing fine. Tooting allot more too. Mom says he was a little fussy today, but doing good. So we are going to have a late thanksgiving & have fun w/ the family here & Montana also.
Thanks for the prayers.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thankgiving Day
The nutritionist are going to do what they can to get his calorie count up, so to make sure he don't have to be sent home w/ a feeder tube. This might mean a Saturday morning discharge. Oh well, they know best, (grandma could argue that one). Ha Ha! So our little Reid'ster got to be a little piggy with the meals, hey what's thanksgiving all about! So when your shoveling down all the good stuff, be praying for the little guy to pack it away also! The Doc's also told us that we could be lowering his immune suppressant med's in the future to. And w/ his liver functions being "perfect" the possibility of no med's could be possible. Sounds cool to us. So Happy Turkey Day & see ya all soon!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Unpluged & Roaming the Halls
Was just a little to soon to release him today. Gotta be sure. Lots of smiles & happy boy is back! It's so awesome to have a happy little boy. He has the most positive attitude ever. He should get a happy camper award.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Eating Some Food This Morning
Monday, November 19, 2007
Drinking, Hoping to be Eating Soon
Grandma is hoping he will be eating tomorrow, so he can have some more poop! So be praying for a healthy appetite. We go plenty of diapers.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Diaper Prophecy has been Full-Filled
It's Sunday Morning a little after 10:00 and We have a messy diaper. The women are on the horns proclaiming the news. You would think this was big news, well it is! I rushed down from doing laundry to see, they already threw it away (Darn). Full, runny, messy & dark. Sounds like music to our noises. I can't wait till Mommy starts feeding him again, don't know when that will be, but I'm sure he's ready to tear it up again instead of feeling ucky.
So more good news, awesome thanks for your prayers.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Pray for "Tooter Rooter"
So strange as it seams, pray for a toot. Also a pooh would be out of the park also! He was up watching "little Joe" again, he is a lot more coherent now. But still tuckered out.
Friday, November 16, 2007
A Normal Day at Children's Hospital
Moms so glad a lot of the lines are being removed, for when Reid starts waking up & starts to get his strength back, if he's half normal, he will be bouncing off the walls! Wait till he starts his "hey" when Daddy comes in the room. He yells "hey", Daddy answers back, "hey you mister" & it continues back & forth till he's at the top of his lungs or Mommy breaks it up. Mom says duck tape may have to used to hold him down (joke).
It's defiantly not winter here in Seattle, yesterday a group of people in the lounge were all watching a big rain storm blow in. I found this funny, this is exactly what Seattle does in the fall & winter, Rain, Rain, Rain! I was listing to the road report on my way in Wed morning during the 8 o'clock rush, they had their first frost. Cars were spinning out everywhere on the freeways & traffic was backed up for miles as they cleared the wreckage's. Shawnee says after living in Seattle for years, being from Montana, she calls it becoming a "west coast weeny". I think that's why there is no real freeways in Montana like here in Seattle, San Fransisco, Phoenix and such, the weather would only let them be open 6 months a year!
Well enough of the traffic report, we will hopefully get Tami out of the room while Reid is sedated from the tube change, to go eat breakfast. Here she is w/ Grandma & coffee, gotta go!
Came back from getting laundry detergent downtown & buying him some cute children books & the little guy is laying back watching a movie. Mom said he already watched the veggie tales "Little Joe" & was working on "Jonah". Incredible! He's still a little "out-of-it" from the pain med's, & puffy looking from all the fluids they give him. But it so cool. Go Super Trooper Reid!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Surgery Went Well
Surgery went well, only took 1/2 hr. It took longer for the prep before hand. They removed some scar tissue where they hooked up the intestine to the livers bile ducks, & a spot lower (what ever that means) where the intestine had scar tissue that was restricting the intestine like a rubber band around it. They fixed that also, didn't tell us how, its just fixed. At 4 o'clock in the morning you just nod your head & smile & try to remember the first 3 words the doc said, "surgery went well". Especially after you were told before hand what to expect & not to, and the worst case scenario to prepare yourself for. Surgery went well & was only 1/2 hr is like being translated, "fear not & let your hearts not be troubled"!
So recovery time, are we going to be home for Thanksgiving? How long it takes for his bowels to get ramped up & going is hard to say. They est. a week to 10 days hospital time, (moms thinking Reid will do it in 3). But again, Super Trooper Reid is going to do his thing w/ the help of God! He is sleeping very comfortably since the operation. We forget he was up longer than any of us w/ no rest! Poor little guy.
Mike & Shawnee are ready for whatever the Peterson's can dish out. I don't know if Mike has time to prepare himself for the "talk-a-thon" me & Mike S. could launch at any time if we're here through the holiday. Ha Ha. Just wait till Reid starts talking! Grandpa rolls eyes every time I say that, it fare too say even Garrett w/ his endless questions may have a run for his money.
Hope to be home soon, Thanks Tim for holding down the fort w/ out me at work. Jimmy may have to step-in & make coffee!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Emergency Flight Back To Seattle
So we are awaiting surgery late Wednesday night at children's hospital. They will remove the obstructions & any scar tissue that my be causing problems from his liver transplant. Allot of things could have contributed to the blocked bowels. The colon has all sorts of bacterias, some of the bad ones that usually stay in the colon are in his system. This can happen to patients on immune suppressants as Reid is. So They are going to fix him up. Dr. Horselin, who did the transplant will be performing or heading up the team. Cool! Pray for good results, They gave us worse case scenarios, but his track record has put all those to shame so far. He is still the Super Trooper Reid, & God is still Good! I think we will put Mom out during surgery, she has had no sleep for days, pray for her also.
Sorry to update the blog w/ troubling news. But these things in life make us stronger. Thank God for Seattle Children's Hospital & A.L.E.R.T. for getting us here quick. Will let everyone know how it all works out for the good to those who love the Lord! We know He wants to help everyone, not just us!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm 1 years old!
I'm a little chatter box, w/ my favorite words being MaMa, NaNa, NumNum, DaDa, PaPa & Puppy. I Bark also, along w/ lots of motor boat sounds & bubbles & singing. About a week before my B-Day I just felt like walking. Crawling was never an option, I still scoot allot on my but. But that's getting old to, cause I can pull my self up & take off like the wind blows.
I ate 5 containers of baby food last night, & w/ my 8 teeth I eat anything mommy gives me of her plate. I'm on a restricted diet though, not because of my liver medicine, but the meds make my skin sensitive to allot of foods, I get puffy lips & rashes like an allergic reaction allot.
Cars is my favorite movie, I had a Lighting McQueen B-Day cake! So see ya for know, watch out I'm the fast rookie on the track, cha chow!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Chidrens Hospital Check-Up went SUPER
He is so happy, Mom celebrated by taking him in the pool at the hotel on the way home. He loves the water. He loves to blow bubbles & make that spitting sound w/ his tongue. Needs a bib on always. Gives sloppy kisses to mommy & all the girls, won't kiss Dad much unless I just shaved. It's so cool, the reality of having a happy healthy boy is starting to settle in a little more each day. Can't wait for the weather to get nicer so the family can go around & show him off.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
I'm a Big Boy
We'll that's what Reid would say if he could talk. He is doing great, Mom is like that Iron Will movie, "run longer - sleep less". But she don't complain, she loves being a mom. It's so awesome having a happy, healthy boy! Mom still gets stressed out when the weekly blood draws take a lot of pokes to get blood. Thank the Lord for a boy who so tuff. His scar is heeling awesomely. Mom left him w/ dad for almost an hour last night & the boy survived. So you know he's tuff. She came home just as I was showing him how to start a chain saw (JOKE).
Boy we are going to have to post more pictures of the little dude, he's going to be tearing up the carpet in no time. Went to pick him up in the crib last night, he was fusing, so mom could have a break. He wasn't as comforted as if it were Mom, but we will see how well he does on the next try.
So long for know, thanks all & more pictures coming soon!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Montana, here we come! I'm goin' home!!
Oh, I can't wait! The doctors said we get to go home! I am so excited. Papa and Daddy are leaving Montana really early in the morning tomorrow and they are driving straight here. Then on Saturday, we will all start the drive home. We'll drive about 1/2 way and stay the night, arriving home on Sunday.
I'm still gaining weight. I'm now at 13 lb 11 oz. However, I still have to have the feeding tube. But Mommy says I won't have to have it for very long.
We look forward to seeing everybody REAL soon. Pray we have a safe trip home.
- Reid
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
New Photos & Cool Updates

Hey, be sure and take a few minutes to look over the NEW pictures we've posted on this blog site. Can you see how much I've grown?? I've got hair, too!! We've also added some neat pictures to this post, showing you some of the cool sights.

As for the details you have all been waiting for, I am proud to say that last week I weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds and 8 ounces!! Is that cool or what? I'm still using the feeding tube and getting pretty comfortable with it. Mommy says that she only suppliments about 100 ml per day, which equals about 3 1/2 ounces per day. I have to take medicine every day, too. Mommy says that she is able to put some of the meds down the feeding tube, as well, which is totally fine by me. :-)
I'm currently wearing 3-6 month old clothes. Actually, I think I'll out grow these soon. Right now, I'm in a 6 month old size shirt and 3 month old size pants. Mommy's having to start looking around for some 6-9 month old sizes. Isn't that SO cool. :-)
As for my busy schedule, I go to the lab two times a week ... Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I also go for doctor's visits on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We are hoping that at this Thursday, the doctors will be so impressed with my rapid healing and growing, that they will send us HOME. So, we are making some preparations. Assuming all goes well, Grandpa and Dad will drive up on Friday and then we'll all head for Montana on Saturday. Be sure to visit the blog over the next few days as we keep you updated.
Oh, and for all of you sentimental types, I am now rolling over. It's kinda fun. Also, my legs are getting stronger. When Mommy holds me up, I can stand. I also like to sit up quite a bit. It's a fun new adventure. I guess it interfers with my medical exams, but who wants to be on their back when they have the power to sit up!!! Mommy says I'm giggling a lot more, too. There is SO much to be happy about.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Back in the "Seattle" Again
Seeing him again, he has got SO BIG! Mom thinks he's the same. No way! His head is rounder & fuller, his cheeks are chubbier, his mouth is bigger & his smiles have more character to them. He reaches out to you & everything else he can get his little hands on. His whole body has got the super wiggles, he can arch his back and almost roll around. His color, his color is awesome. I could just kiss his little face off.
Mom is losing weight, she needs to eat more. I wish I lost weight when I stress out, it's the opposite. Well I drove 9+ hrs & the boy is sleeping & I better take his lead.
I've asked Mike to be Reid's God Father. I did this because He has fallen in love w/ the boy. You can see it when he plays w/ the boy & how he misses him & he's here in Seattle! Reid has found his way into his heart. Cool.
Thank You! Everyone for all your help & support. Thank you Jayson for all the hours & time you have saved the family w/ the flights. And I could still go on & on w/ all the other help we have been getting from the community. Can't wait to be home w/ the boy.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Feeding Tube Adventures & Our Address
Well, today I did it. That's right. I successfully, COMPLETELY, pulled out that feeding tube. I can't say Mommy was excited about it. However, I did such a good job, that she didn't try and re-insert it. Mommy said that if I had just tugged it out of place a little bit, she could have put it back in place. But since I totally removed the whole thing, she's going to leave it out for now. I don't blame her. The whole feeding tube insert procedure is not very fun for either one of us.
Not only that, but ... I'm gaining weight! That's right. The doctors had said that the tube could probably come out on Thursday. So, I just took it out 2 days early. :-) I guess, originally, they had said I might need to leave the feeding tube in for as much as a month. However, I'm gaining weight like a good little boy. Mommy thinks my tummy just needed a little jump-start. So, hopefully, at this point, we can just forget about the feeding tube.
Oh, at one time someone had asked what size clothes I wear, as they were wanting to send a little something my way. As of right now, I'm wearing size '3-6 months'. I can receive packages at the following address: Reid Peterson c/o Ronald McDonald House, 5000 40th Ave NE #C102, Seattle , WA. 98105.
Now, Mommy says we might be here for just a few more weeks. So, if you are planning to send something our way, AND you are going to wait a week or so, you might double check the blog site to make sure our plans haven't changed.
Thanks for all of your love and encouragement.
- Reid
Friday, January 19, 2007
Leaving the Hospital
We get to leave the hospital today and return to the Ronald McDonald House. Also, I have to have a feeding tube stuck down my nose into my tummy. Hummm. I guess it has it's benefits, as I won't have the urge to stick a straw down my nose when I get older .... maybe .... :-)
The tube is so that I can still receive milk, even when I'm not wanting to eat the old fashioned way. I am still eating at my speed ... some times I'm hungry, sometimes I'm not. Mommy has been trained in the fine art of inserting the feeding tube. She's hoping I don't do something silly and try and play with it. She really doesn't like the procedure. I guess I don't care for it that much either. It isn't harmful or hurtful, I just don't like it. So I fuss about it, which I think is why Mommy doesn't like the 'install' procedure, either. :-) So, we'll work together to keep it in where it belongs.
They say I might need the feeding tube for as much as a month. However, we are praying and believing that it won't be for that long. Having the tube really isn't that big of a bother. I can do whatever I want, aside from yank on it. Mommy has been putting little socks on my hands to help me remember not to pull on it. (You know, having hands and fingers is pretty cool. I'm just starting to figure them out .... sort of ... and this tube thing is rather irresistable as a play thing to grab at.)
Hey, I even get to start taking baths now. Cool, huh?! No more spit baths. :-) Looking forward to the splishing and splashing.
We'll let you know more pretty soon. Thanks for your prayers. Don't forget to write Mommy and Daddy a little note now and again.
- Reid
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Back In The Hospital
Well, I am back in the Children's Hospital. I checked in at about 4:00 PM this evening. After my doctor's appointment earlier today, the medical people decided that I wasn't gaining weight. Mom says I've lost a few ounces. So, they want to hook me up to an IV for some additional nutrition. I guess that is okay. I'm not too fond of the pokes, but at least I have good veins. They only have to poke me once to get the job done. :-)
I've been feeding okay. Some meals better than others. I just haven't been as hungry for some feedings as for others. I've been sleeping better, too. My tummy is getting back to normal, as the swelling is going down. So, besides from not gaining weight, I'm doing GREAT.
We'll know more tomorrow, so come back to the blog for updates. Please keep us in your prayers.
- Reid
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Checkin' Out, Movin' On, Healin' Up
Can you believe it? Before surgery, we were told that there would be about 10 days in ICU, then about 20 days in the regular hospital room. That is 30 days in the hospital!! However, we are checking out after 8 wonderul days!! Next week we'll start our weekly check-ups. According to the estimates before surgery, we shouldn't be starting our weekly out-patient check ups until FEBRUARY. God is SO good!
Mommy is packing up our stuff, so we can take it to the RMH as soon as we are discharged. Nana is going to stay at the RMH with us for awhile. Daddy and Auntie Rikki will be driving home to Montana. We'll meet Shawnee for supper after we get everybody settled and packed, etc. I can not wait to go outside and feel the fresh air on my face!! I'm real glad I'm not in Montana. I hear that it has been so COLD there!! This Seattle weather will suite me just fine for awhile.
Keep visiting us here on the blog. I can't wait to tell you all about how the rest of the check-ups go and how the miraculous healing continues.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Energizer Baby still GRD'N it
The Boy is doing great, he feed real good last night, makes mom happy! He was all "good to go" this morning, we made him a little fussy w/ med's. But he's so good, lot's of smiles. It's so cute he smiles & then acts all bashful & buries his face in his banky for a good cuddle. He likes itching his nose on his soft banky. Tami had me take pictures of his first little reaches for a chewy toy. It so cute you hold it in front of him & he slowly reaches out & grabs it. Once he gets a hold of it he either watches hims little hands & fingers on the toy or pulls it to his mouth for a good slobbery gnawing.
I need to do a photo shot of the Children's Hospital. They got safari scenes & cool children's art & brightly painted animal statues every where. Like purple & orange giraffe statues, awesome salt water fish tanks everywhere. They really went all out to make kids know this place is for them.
Well I hope they at least keep the NOS (nitrous oxide) attachments hooked up for the super charger I requested to be installed w/ the transplant. Mommy don't think he needs one, she works plenty hard enough just to keep up. And yes Aunty Gwen, Daddy gave Mom a massage & scheduled her one here in the hospital.
These last 2 days have been nice, feel like I've been able to breath normally, chest don't hurt from stress at night, God is good to have given us this all so wonderfully, along w/ all the community close & far supporting us through it all. Awesome! Hope to be home soon.
Love Dad, Mom & Reid
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Coming Home Soon
When we leaving, well could be Friday or Saturday! I think he setting records on recovery here! Tami & the boy will be staying in Seattle doing follow up visits for a few weeks. Dad will probably come visit in the weekends. I hope the hospital feels the pride of their teams accomplishment as much as we feel indebted to them for all their hard work & care.
Dad & Mom & Reid
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Liver Bloodcount Normal
Dad had a little episode w/ the boy last night, Mom feed him then left to get supper w/ the gals after he feel asleep. He woke up w/ a burp stuck sideways, Daddy couldn't sit him up or burp him by himself w/ all the stuff hooked to him, the nurse helped at first & it looked like we were over the hump, then she had to go down the hall to help w/ a little crisis in another room, (we have lots of those here) & another burp got stuck sideways & it was a big one, tears were flowing. Basically Dad freaked out & called Mom on the cell phone to tell her to hurry up. Me & Reid will have to bond today, I'll put in a UFC video & prop him up for some testosterone to get flowing in that room. That ought to help. Get him burping & tooting like a man (joke).
So things are getting back to normal, getting ready for some post transplant care learning to come soon. Take care, thanks for the prayers everyone & pray for sanity for us.
Love Dad
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
God is SO Good
We've had a morning full of smiles to overshadow a fussy, busy, rough night for me, Mommy and some very special nurses. Mommy will probably never reprimand me for passing gas when I get older. It will be music to her ears. Yeah!! :-)
The morphine causes my system to go to sleep and the gas pressure to build up. NOT FUN!! The nurses put the air hose back through my nose into my tummy, which helped, and so did turning me on my side. And then I smiled at Mommy and for some reason she started to cry. Nana says it's because she's happy.
We are having a great morning and getting the drain tubes removed from my tummy, because as soon as a room is available, we will leave ICU. Hurray!! We will let everyone know as soon as we can what room we are in.
There has been talk of my being discharged some time NEXT WEEK from the hospital. Then we'll go to cousin Shawnee's for awhile, because I still have check-ups.
Everybody here is smiling a lot. Hope we can cause you to smile, too! Mommy is holding me now, just what I've been waiting for!! Thank you, God!
PS: These people here are crazy ... including my Nana and my Mommy ... cheering and hollering ... because I just filled my diaper! ( ... really filled my diaper.) Note ...this is a POOPY diaper ... big, dark, stinky, poop. But hey, what can I say? I had to make up for the last 4 months! ... These guys are nuts. ;-)
Monday, January 8, 2007
Thank you for all your prayers.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Reid is Waking Up
Mom called this morning while he was crying cause he was trying to pooh, didn't take her long to get here. She's got the touch! They are all at breakfast right now in the cafeteria, while they put a better tube in his tummy, our awesome doctors could see on the x-rays that the tube they had in was not the right size. We get to listen to the doctors do rounds & discuss his case each day. Children's Hospital & everyone working here, YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!! The caliber of people here is second to none! Its hard leaving the boy, every moment he is awake is awesome, but the nurse wanted us to go get some breakfast & said he would be resting by the time we get back.
We are going to be able to see the old liver, I told them a picture would be just fine! Yeh, Daddy is a wimp. I asked for a picture of his new liver or a good one so we could see the difference. We are so grateful, his poor little liver was getting worse way faster than they anticipated. I could cry at the drop of a hat when I think about how blessed we are to have this second chance for Reid. I was holding his hand last night as he was looking at me thinking of all the wonderful adventures I can now dare to dream we can have together, fishing, hiking, camping, hunting, on & on. Thank you Lord!
Gonna go & try & beat the girls to the room w/ Reid
Love's everyone,
Saturday, January 6, 2007
The Day After
After Tami went to Ronald McDonald House I slept till 6 am. He was so cute, allot of tubes already gone, I went back to sleep CRASHED till 10 am! The nurse said I snored the whole time, LOUD. Woke up to them doing a ultrasound to check that artery they repaired before they removed the ventilator tube for his breathing. Mom showed back up just in time for that, plus one of his little arms had the I.V. removed so know she can hold his hand. (He is still sleeping on meds thou). Going to make sure wife eats & sleeps today, catches up & enjoys the Super Trooper Reid! Pray the beds get softer & the tubes get less & less. This is all a miracle, PRAISE GOD! Gave DR. Heiley our surgeon a hug, after he came back to give us his personal update. Indebted forever!
Thank you everyone for your prayers, gotta give Terri a hard time for not calling Kevin & Donna, But I teased Kevin for not checking the Blog. We feel the love & support of everyone, your Awesome. Thank you!
Dad, Mom, & Reid.
P.S. I will be getting some of these pics to Jenny soon to post.
Friday, January 5, 2007
In Recovery
We Are in Surgery
We got a surgery update about 1:00 pm, they said they were still taking out the his diseased liver. He was very stable & doing great!Lord bless the family of the child who had donated the liver. My wife asked me "why does this have to happen, why can't he just be healthy", it was hard not to think about the pain of the loss of a child a family is going through. We are bless & most grateful, but the unknown is still a battle. We got a page here at 2:30 pm they are hooking up the main artery's to the new liver & Reid is still stable & doing great! Will probably be about 3 more hour of surgery hooking up the main liver. Hope they have time to fix the hernia & his little hypo-spadious. Pray Tami get some sleep, she acting goofy, my legs are weak. Our strength surely comes from above!
Its awesome Mike & Shawnee are here, plus we got to hang a little w/ Mike & Carol. Mom & Rikki should be here this afternoon. This is going to be an event that we will never forget. Taking lots of pics w/ the new digital camera we got for Christmas. Will post them when we can. Thank you all everyone for all your help to get us here & fix the Boy.
Love Dad & Mom & Reid
Thursday, January 4, 2007
It's A Match - We're Heading To Seattle
Monday, January 1, 2007
Happy New Year!!

Today is New Year's Day! I am so excited! I have just experienced my first Christmas and New Years! This is so much fun. There is so much to be thankful for and so much to celebrate, as the new year holds so much promise.
Jeremiah 29:11-14 says, "For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, ' declares the Lord, 'and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.'

There is so much hope and assurance found in the Scriptures. As you read through the above verse, can you see all the hope and promise? Hope for me, hope for my family, and hope for you.
Romans 8:26-28 says, "In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
We are seeing so many answers to prayer, as the days go passing by. We are experiencing the love and compassion of our community. We are finding joy in the little things, as well as the big things. We are seeing God's faithfulness every day.
Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Victory No.1: Since we wrote last, I have a new pediatrician. She is so awesome. She is located in Whitefish, MT. My mommy and daddy really like her, too. She has been so kind and helpful and she is totally available to me, whenever I need her. Isn't that awesome?! Having a good pediatrician is such a comfort to my mommy and me.
Victory No. 2: We've been featurered on the local TV stations! The news stations of Missoula and Kalispell have shared our story!! Isn't that cool?! I'm a new child star from the Flathead Valley. Now we've shared our story on TV, radio and in the newspaper.
Victory No. 3: I even heard that there was a teacher and class of students who want to donate money to our special fund at Glacier Bank. (Reid Peterson Fund) I heard it one morning on 'The Bear' (KDBR 106.3 FM). The nice teacher called in and said that their class had collected monies for a charity and that they heard about my needing a liver and that they wanted to send their donation to us. Isn't that cool?!
Victory No. 4: I'm doing good. I'm eating and sleeping and pooping and growing. I'm now 4 months old!! Mommy and daddy have been so very careful in providing a healthy environment. It is so important that I don't get sick. I know that they have probably had to say 'no' to some fun holiday invitations because of my special needs. I bet they even had to miss seeing many of you over the holidays. However, it is important and I am sure you understand. Thank you for your patience as we work together toward the goal.
Romans 15:13 says, "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
We are getting ready for THE phone call and plane ride to Seattle. Mommy has been busy packing throughout the holidays. We need to be ready to leave at a moment's notice. She says it is hard to plan ahead for a 3-month trip. How do you pack 3-months worth of clothes, for three people, and still have something for each of us to wear around the house?? At least we have some cool new luggage!! Mommy also has to remember to have extra cash, vitamins, diapers, dog food, and doggie medicine put aside. I don't know how she does it. We have our 'right now / take on the plane' bags, our 'drive this up to Seattle' bags, AND our 'take to grandma's with the doggies' bags.
We are so excited because people are making donations into our account for medical expenses. There are so SO so many things that we are paying for and will have to pay for by ourselves. Every little bit helps. It helps us stay 'current' with previous medical bills, it helps us prepare for future medical bills, and it relieves the stress of the financial unknown. There are so many expenses. Thank you all so much for your gifts and prayers. They mean so VERY much.
Romans 5:1-5 says, "Therefore , having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
Happy New Year